Is Science Catching Up to the Teachings of Neville?


Class 1: Basics of Quantum Theory, Cosmology & General Parallels to Neville’s Teachings

In this class, we cover the basics of quantum theory, learn about the interesting theory of quantum bayesianism and how it relates to Neville’s general theory about reality.

We’ll cover the basics of terms and definitions that we’ll use throughout the remainder of the classes.

Class 2: The Science Behind Everyone is You Pushed Out, Importance of Self-Concept, Deeper Dimensional Self

In this second class, we dive deeper into the concept of ‘Everyone is You Pushed Out’. We explore the scientific theory behind the importance of a strong self-concept, as well as the modern parallels to Neville’s fourth-dimensional self.

Class 3: How to Change the Past: The Science Behind Neville’s Revision

For this class, our focus is on revision – we discover new findings from quantum physics that propose scientific frameworks regarding the alterability of the past.

We also learn how the scientific perspective on the faculty of memory relates to Neville’s teachings regarding revision, and why recent findings demonstrate that his principles are sound.

Class 4: Parallel Realities & the Multiverse through Neville’s Lens

In this class, we examine the oft-referred concepts of parallel realities and the multiverse through both the scientific lens, as well as through Neville’s conceptualization.

Class 5: Exploring the Neuroscience Behind Imaginal Acts

We conclude this series by exploring neuroscience – how the brain works, how to best utilize our brain, and how understanding the mind helps us understand the observer-dependent (operant power) reality we live in.

We explore the parallels between scientific literature and Neville’s technical understanding of the creative power of the human imagination.

Special Q&A: A live discussion and Q&A about these fascinating ideas.

In this Q&A recording, we address the email questions (there's some really great ones!) as well as questions submitted from the live chat.


Course Fee: USD 75  (includes live access to 5 classes + Q&A + recordings) (2)